If you are interested becoming a board member, please send an e-mail to
expressing why you would like to work with us and how your background would be a good fit.
Please also include a resume. We will review and get back to you. Thank you!
Our Mission: The mission of the Champions Against Cancer Foundation is to help children who have or had a parent or full-time caregiver with cancer maintain a sense of normalcy as their family faces the many challenges of fighting the disease.
The foundation supports families living or working in Howard County with:
Financial assistance to families with children 21 years old or younger who have a parent or full-time caregiver who had or has cancer.
Educational scholarships to high school seniors who have a parent or full-time caregiver who had or has cancer to support higher learning (college, university, technical or vocational school).
Strength and inspiration to children who have a parent or full-time caregiver who had or has cancer through community outreach.
Educational material about the causes and prevention of cancer.
Information about support networks available in Howard County and beyond.
Champions Against Cancer Board of Directors:
Amy Champion, President
Tim Finkelston, Vice President
Dave Stepherson, Finance
Dave Imbordino, Community Outreach
Janet Briel, Community Outreach
Elvira McCullough, Marketing and Website Coordinator
Be the ambassadors to the community for the foundation
Support the mission and vision
Help identify those in need of our support
Provide innovative ideas
Help plan and coordinate fundraising events
Help recruit sponsors and attendees to events
Attend monthly meetings